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Why Certified Naturally Grown vs. Organic?
A Question of Small Farm Sustainability

In 2006, Quaker Hill Farm became Certified Naturally Grown. For all of our history we have embraced and worked hard on the fundamental ideals of organic food production and sustainable living. Then we decided to pursue becoming certified organic. After several years of working towards the goal of meeting the USDA's Certified Organic program and trying to get beyond the problems we found both in the procedure and definition of being Certified Organic, we finally realized that we needed to reevaluate our goals as a farm.

CNG standards are very similar to the USDA's but CNG is a farmer based program first and foremost. In addition to organic standards, CNG standards also require the humane treatment of animals which includes livestock being given access to pasture. This is how we have always raised our pastured lamb, goats and fowl. Ideals of CNG also include supporting local markets and sustainability - concerns of ours as well.

Why are we a part of CNG instead of the USDA organic program?

This is a very good question given the rising popularity of the "Organic" food market. While it was very tempting for us to join in and take part, we found that the USDA organic program had problems and created ethical issues for us that could not be easily overlooked.

First of all, the process of the USDA organic program creates a financial burden for small farmers. It is very expensive and the expense is difficult if not impossible to justify. The high cost is oriented towards large producers which automatically leaves small farmers behind.

We also had difficulty resolving the fact that small farmers had been defining the concept of and using the term Organic for decades before the government stepped in to regulate and take control.

Making organic certification expensive and difficult to obtain along with making the use of the term "Organic" illegal without proper certification, makes the market biased and gives an unfair advantage to big producers who have the financial means and resources - by way of lawyers and lobbyists - to manipulate laws and legal definitions for the sake of corporate benefit while nudging small farmers and local producers out all together.

The USDA standards of Organic food production is slipping away from its original intention in order to satisfy the need of Big Ag who often uses non-organic products and practices while still calling themselves Certified Organic. There are undeniable falsehoods being propagated in this and the consumer ultimately suffers for their expectations not being fairly and honestly met.

USDA standards simply do not go far enough, and in some respects are misleading or at least shortcoming in representation. For instance, Certified Organic producers can call a chicken organic if it is fed 'organic' feed even though it may spend its entire life under inhumane housing conditions. The public is being deceived. Consumers who purchase 'organic' eggs or chickens envision those products comming from 'contented' chickens raised in humane conditions when that is likely not the case. Our livestock is raised free-range. They live outdoors on pasture - they enjoy sunshine and natural food and are not confined in dark, dank cages or industrial settings.

The CNG program is farmer directed and consumer respectful promoting the real goal of healthy, local grown foods for families. "Big Ag" is not in control. In this, there is a measure of integrity which is lacking with the USDA whose main focus is large corporate interests.

Quaker Hill Farm encourages you to buy local, eat healthy and support Michigan producers!

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